Solving SAP’s power vs. usability conundrum
When ERP and office systems are deployed in an organization, the predicted efficiency gains, and other advantages are usually not fully realized. Reasons for this occupy and pay the mortgages of technology consultants the world over, but there are methods that can be used to wring out the fullest benefits possible from expensive software rollouts.
Cordis Systems‘s raison d’etre is to empower businesses to release maximum value from the costs of the deployments of both SAP and Microsoft solutions such as Office on the client side and the SharePoint server side portfolio.


Cordis Solutions are the world’s only partner approved, by both Microsoft and SAP, to provide applications to link the two. In 1997, Bill Gates and Hasso Plattner (of SAP) responded to criticisms from their customers that 70% of software spend was on the two companies’ products, yet the companies didn’t talk to each other. The ensuing collaboration produced Duet in 2006, and is now manifest in Gateway for Microsoft (GWM).